I would love to see the total amount of fraudulent votes they overall used nationwide to cheat, it will give you an idea how desperately they printed ballots to steal.
"Miami-Dade saw the biggest increase towards the right, with an 18 percentage point shift as Trump become the first Republican presidential candidate to win the county since George H.W. Bush in 1988."
That's big. Plus Hispanics in Florida and lots of other places are going Trump. Not a majority nationwide but busting through at least 40% or 50% in some places.
Gosh 400k false ballots, gotta hand it to them that's impressive.
I would love to see the total amount of fraudulent votes they overall used nationwide to cheat, it will give you an idea how desperately they printed ballots to steal.
The genuine Demonrat vote is basically the combined population of LA and NYC, plus stragglers.
There's idiots yes, but not too much unless it's SF.
i would love for the libtards to see the amount of fraudulent votes. there is no way in hell that Comrade came even this close to Trump in all states.
and what's up with HI. did they learn nothing from how the government treated them with Lahaina??
i'm hoping the raids on the pedo's starts day one, and Oprah, DeZero, and all of pedowood, are put down immediately.
"Miami-Dade saw the biggest increase towards the right, with an 18 percentage point shift as Trump become the first Republican presidential candidate to win the county since George H.W. Bush in 1988."
That's big. Plus Hispanics in Florida and lots of other places are going Trump. Not a majority nationwide but busting through at least 40% or 50% in some places.