Nevada 6 and Arizona 11 now tell me that aint white hat comms
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Then tell me what Q meant by no outside comms and what you think is being communicated by Nevada 6 and Arizona 11?
No outside comms means no one can LARP on reddit and facebook or anywhere else and claim they're part of the Q team dropping more Q drops. No outside comms means that Q only posts on 8chan (or 4chan or 8kun or whichever... Q kept moving the posts to different sites by necessity). I've been following the posts since October 27, 2017 and it's pretty clear.
As for the 6 and 11 with the electoral votes, you're overthinking it. It's a calling card, a little clue to remind anons that the plan is real and WH are in control. Hence why Trump keeps mentioning the number 17 in every speech and interview he delivers.
It looks like you are going to see it your way and I'm going to see it my way. I could argue the point I suppose, but either way God wins, Trump won, and we are gonna MAGA like we've never MAGA'd before.
I jumped in 2017 too with The Praying Medic and IPOT on Youtube. There was a lady in the comments at the Gateway Pundit that put Q drops in her comments. I asked if she provided translations too lol, but it did get me interested enough to look into it. What a ride, huh? And to think we are just getting to the good part.