Came here for a similar remark: The prepubere kids surely shall need more than 11 years to recover and they may have lost their full potential in the meantime.
When the arrests of senior white politicians, celebrities and CEO's happens in the UK I will rejoice, but sorry to say these POC rape gangs are low hanging fruit.
Every once in a while these rape gangs are exposed while their powerful comtemparies are left alone.
Not particularly impressive for an organization built around raping young girls.
What would happen to just one guy who raped just one girl in their own culture?
Yeah. Thought so.
Came here for a similar remark: The prepubere kids surely shall need more than 11 years to recover and they may have lost their full potential in the meantime.
The UK is finally doing something about this?
Yup, appears so, and about time too.
When the arrests of senior white politicians, celebrities and CEO's happens in the UK I will rejoice, but sorry to say these POC rape gangs are low hanging fruit.
Every once in a while these rape gangs are exposed while their powerful comtemparies are left alone.
Now trials for the police who wilfully ignored it.