Oh no, he passed with flying colors- do please understand that this is exactly what the government indoctrination daycare centers want to produce. They were designed by Humanists, look up their manifesto from even back in the late 1800s, to produce obedient, compliant workers for the new factories (funded by Rockefeller etc al - ever wonder why school bells are like factory gross?), just smart enough to run the machinery but not smart enough to question or reason. To replace family and church with government and state, workers ready for the "inevitable" consolidation with communism.
Oh no, he passed with flying colors- do please understand that this is exactly what the government indoctrination daycare centers want to produce. They were designed by Humanists, look up their manifesto from even back in the late 1800s, to produce obedient, compliant workers for the new factories (funded by Rockefeller etc al - ever wonder why school bells are like factory gross?), just smart enough to run the machinery but not smart enough to question or reason. To replace family and church with government and state, workers ready for the "inevitable" consolidation with communism.
He's a perfect example of the successful system.