Whey were they taken out? Maybe this is the reason: The earliest King James edition contained the so-called Books of the Apocrypha for a total of 80, instead of the 66 of today's Bible. For various reasons these extra books were deemed not to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit and were removed from later editions. These "missing books" can be read.....
Protestants removed the deuterocanonical books, because the Jews did, such as Enoch. This was error, because the Jews excised these books because they pointed to Christ too heavily.
Whey were they taken out? Maybe this is the reason: The earliest King James edition contained the so-called Books of the Apocrypha for a total of 80, instead of the 66 of today's Bible. For various reasons these extra books were deemed not to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit and were removed from later editions. These "missing books" can be read.....
Protestants removed the deuterocanonical books, because the Jews did, such as Enoch. This was error, because the Jews excised these books because they pointed to Christ too heavily.