I never quite understood how the leader of any country could rob billions from the people and then sneak off and live a lavish life elsewhere. I would be petitioning to freeze his funds and bring him back for trial.
he was given billions from the American people, BUT he sent his own people to die in a war he knew they could never win. how can they do this? same way a serial killer keeps killing until stopped. they have no conscience.
i read Ukrainian army was so desperate for male soldiers, they were given orders to steal them off the streets. 12 y/o, to 70 y/o, didn't matter, they needed bodies on the front line.
I never quite understood how the leader of any country could rob billions from the people and then sneak off and live a lavish life elsewhere. I would be petitioning to freeze his funds and bring him back for trial.
In this particular case, the robbery victims were the american taxpayers.
So if he moves to Miami Beach, feel free to pay him a visit.
he was given billions from the American people, BUT he sent his own people to die in a war he knew they could never win. how can they do this? same way a serial killer keeps killing until stopped. they have no conscience.
i read Ukrainian army was so desperate for male soldiers, they were given orders to steal them off the streets. 12 y/o, to 70 y/o, didn't matter, they needed bodies on the front line.