Alexandros Marinos on X ~ Advice to Those Horrified by the Results of the Election.
I Agree Here...We DO Want a Happy, Peaceful Population. A Few Months/Years of Good Living will Bring Them Around

What if you had done that exercise when Biden was elected?
What were the worst fears you had that came to be under his time in office?
My biggest concern was that they were going to get away with cheating.
Edit: but if they hadn't gotten away with it, we wouldn't be here with Trump in 2024, so it worked out in the end. I just want to see people who committed treason subject to the rule of law.
Did they? In your opinion?
Any other significant concerns? Like banning guns, or making church illegal, or complying with Sharia Law in the US? Completely opening boarders to anyone who wanted in? Nothing like that?
Those seem to be some of the biggest fear porn concerning liberals in office, so it's surprising that none of them made your list.
No, wasn't worried about that. I think it was election fraud and mass illegal immigration -- and the push for extreme LGBTQ+ shit.
I saw the caskets and the camps. I knew what they are capable of and i think it still has do get worse before the left lays down their hate. As long as it exists we all must be fearful of their evil.