Many Russians still living in Ukraine were sent to the front lines already. If you see on Telegram channels what they do to Ukrainian men they capture by force, you will understand why the Ukrainian people are revolting against forced conscription. Those Ukrainians grabbed off the streets, out of restaurants, education facilities etc. and sent to the frontline with 2 days of training, last on average 4 hours. Men as old as 65 are sent as well as teens. Pictures at the start of the SMO of boys as young as 14, was common. The sad confused look on their faces is something I’m trying to forget.
Many Russians still living in Ukraine were sent to the front lines already. If you see on Telegram channels what they do to Ukrainian men they capture by force, you will understand why the Ukrainian people are revolting against forced conscription. Those Ukrainians grabbed off the streets, out of restaurants, education facilities etc. and sent to the frontline with 2 days of training, last on average 4 hours. Men as old as 65 are sent as well as teens. Pictures at the start of the SMO of boys as young as 14, was common. The sad confused look on their faces is something I’m trying to forget.