47 Because of despondency, disappointment, disgust: "Americans trying to FLEE THE COUNTRY after trump wins". THEY ARE TRYING TO RETREAT! (archive.is) posted 83 days ago by ArmyLady 83 days ago by ArmyLady +47 / -0 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Adios, don’t let the door hit ya in the ass.
They are free to do as they wish. Let them go south. Rumour says there are alot of empty houses south of the border and they can ruin that country, not mine. We do not need that type of citizen.
Yes they are free to leave as far as we are concerned, but the guy on the video warns them most countries will not have them! HA!
Maybe that will clue them in as to how other countries view immigration . . .
It is always fake. They never move away. We will see their shitty faces next week.
Here is hoping Diddy is different and this is true.
No they will not leave the country except a very few. BUT this tells us they are in despair and disarray.
Time to press our psychological advantage.
They are demoralized, in despair. Confused. Do not let up the memes!
Yeah well...
Martha's got a thing or two to say about that
The Arab world, or anywhere in Africa, would welcome their LBGTQ+- lifestyles. Have a good trip.