My thoughts exactly. There's no way Geotus was just elected in a huge middle finger to the establishment and doesn't handle this. The people have spoken and given him free reign to destroy cheating commies. I think they're letting the evidence pile up and will drop the hammer when the times is right.
Boom yes watch the waters. Exposure of cheating at a smaller level that Ties in with the the cartels.alot of info bein takin in as the hammer will fall.
Subs they’re letting this small cheat happen so they can show that cheating is happening and we just need to watch the water.
My thoughts exactly. There's no way Geotus was just elected in a huge middle finger to the establishment and doesn't handle this. The people have spoken and given him free reign to destroy cheating commies. I think they're letting the evidence pile up and will drop the hammer when the times is right.
He's got so much on his plate will he even hear about this, let alone be able to do anything?
As if senate counts, which directly relate to Lake being a senator wouldn’t cross his, or his team’s mind. Pfft! Your comment is ridiculous.
I think he hears about everything. Especially something as important as a senate race that will have implications for him.
Boom yes watch the waters. Exposure of cheating at a smaller level that Ties in with the the cartels.alot of info bein takin in as the hammer will fall.