Let them cheat. We already won the white house, congress, have scotus, and popular vote. Trump has talked about cheating and getting caught. RNC talked about having lawyers and poll watchers ready to go. The last thing needed is them doing it. Can't arrest someone for shoplifting if they don't leave the store. Same thing here. Then this fraud opens up 2020.
Investigate and fight this now and then Trump's team ALSO needs to investigate, prosecute and imprison the lowlife election thieves in Feb 2025.
No they need to do something now.
Let them cheat. We already won the white house, congress, have scotus, and popular vote. Trump has talked about cheating and getting caught. RNC talked about having lawyers and poll watchers ready to go. The last thing needed is them doing it. Can't arrest someone for shoplifting if they don't leave the store. Same thing here. Then this fraud opens up 2020.