My current guess is a multi-fuel micro-turbine hybrid. These could burn unrefined light crude oil, or bio-oil ----- and weigh 1000lbs less than a full EV.
hydrogen is too hard to store ---- either pressure or cryogenic
A while back, bulk canola oil was cheaper than Californian diesel ----- will burn in a diesel engine.
The problem is that the Globalist want to rig the system to get their cut out of it ----- meanwhile I could just go to the grocery store, buy a gallon of cooking oil and be able to drive home.
IMO ---- Lithium cars will die like 8-track tapes
I loved the 8 track tape era. They were always good to scrape the ice off my windshield if I couldn't find my ice scraper.
A friend of mine had an 8-track recorder ---- no reverse. Absolute pain to build a mix tape.
Did it teach you patience?
My current guess is a multi-fuel micro-turbine hybrid. These could burn unrefined light crude oil, or bio-oil ----- and weigh 1000lbs less than a full EV.
I hear hydrogen cars are the mark, but who knows.
hydrogen is too hard to store ---- either pressure or cryogenic
A while back, bulk canola oil was cheaper than Californian diesel ----- will burn in a diesel engine.
The problem is that the Globalist want to rig the system to get their cut out of it ----- meanwhile I could just go to the grocery store, buy a gallon of cooking oil and be able to drive home.
What about Tesla wireless free energy. I like to think big
I loved th < click> em too.