46 Prince Harry, Meghan Markle buy Portugal home as ‘emergency escape solution’ ahead of Trump presidency - Q 620 (nypost.com) 🧠 These people are stupid! posted 3 months ago by DRan 3 months ago by DRan +46 / -0 Prince Harry, Meghan Markle buy Portugal home as ‘emergency escape solution’ ahead of Trump presidency: report According to a source close to the situation, Trump’s deep dislike of the Sussexes has sent them into a tailspin and forced them to reconsider their options. 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Trump did not utter a word about the former Prince Harry. But I would rather not have a Royal living full time in The United States. Visit if they want, but go back home.
Harry's name has been mentioned multiple times for being at the diddlers parties.
i agree, absolutely NO freaking "royals" can live here full time. two week visit max.