My belief is that Nesara was the plan when they believed that the fiat financial fraud system was gonna end with bank collapse in 2008.
However, that would have been chaos and caused destruction to millions, so the WHs allowed Obama to print $25T and bail out the banks and used the next 16 years to make it into a controlled demolition, including Trump's crimmes against humanity EOs.
Now that we are at this point, we wont need a NESARA style system, but a much more minimally invasive system.
I am willing to bet that all debts are not going to magically disappear, just predatory ones. You are not going to get free houses or free money. What you will get is a free economic system and a baseline correction, with liquidation of all Cabal assets, so that everyone can lead a decent life with high quality of life.
No more inflation. People can save up easily. No more fiat currency no more petro dollars. Easily accessible treasury debt without middle men.
120 years ago, your loans were put on the national debt and paid off with tariffs. all banking debt has to disappear if we're restoring our republic. banks need to be neutered back to nothing more than paper pushers between the people and the treasury. they shouldnt be for-profit corps.
My belief is that Nesara was the plan when they believed that the fiat financial fraud system was gonna end with bank collapse in 2008.
However, that would have been chaos and caused destruction to millions, so the WHs allowed Obama to print $25T and bail out the banks and used the next 16 years to make it into a controlled demolition, including Trump's crimmes against humanity EOs.
Now that we are at this point, we wont need a NESARA style system, but a much more minimally invasive system.
I am willing to bet that all debts are not going to magically disappear, just predatory ones. You are not going to get free houses or free money. What you will get is a free economic system and a baseline correction, with liquidation of all Cabal assets, so that everyone can lead a decent life with high quality of life.
No more inflation. People can save up easily. No more fiat currency no more petro dollars. Easily accessible treasury debt without middle men.
120 years ago, your loans were put on the national debt and paid off with tariffs. all banking debt has to disappear if we're restoring our republic. banks need to be neutered back to nothing more than paper pushers between the people and the treasury. they shouldnt be for-profit corps.