We can blame Turtle for this backstabbing on Trump,and this is what it looks like,this pompous upper chamber is not and i repeat ,NOT MAGA,we need a hold out in the Senate like the Green/Gatz House did.so many hills to climb and so little time.
Repeal the 17th Amendment and put state legislatures back in charge of picking Senators. These "elites" are not representing the people if their states.
I like the idea. Just know the TX Leg would pick him. They are run by a drunk, and tried to impeach and expel Ken Paxton. The Bush name still has pull in much of Texas.
In Texas Cornyn is called "CORNHOLIO" by many.
In TX, he’s definitely considered a Judas-like sack of shit.
We can blame Turtle for this backstabbing on Trump,and this is what it looks like,this pompous upper chamber is not and i repeat ,NOT MAGA,we need a hold out in the Senate like the Green/Gatz House did.so many hills to climb and so little time.
RINO just need to disappear.
Yeah, total useless stuffed shirt. He votes like a (D) commie. Enough already.
Yes, he is a D
I think that's what Q meant
thought so too, also like comey misspelled
We know.
LOL. I do.
Repeal the 17th Amendment and put state legislatures back in charge of picking Senators. These "elites" are not representing the people if their states.
i agree.
I like the idea. Just know the TX Leg would pick him. They are run by a drunk, and tried to impeach and expel Ken Paxton. The Bush name still has pull in much of Texas.
LOL. Correct.
As a Texan, we know and ask forgiveness. I wrote to him back in 2008 I think it was to say not to bail out the banks. Lot of good it did me...
He is a DS asset. He can go pick litters the rest of his life.
I am so tired of this trope
RINO needs to go.