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I just talked to my brother, he works for a company that makes blood filter machines,about using the machines to filter spike proteins out of vaxinated blood. I've talked about this before here.
He said you can help clean your blood right now by donating/ selling your plasma. If any one has vaxinated friends it's a no risk no cost thing to try.
I just leaned about this,it defently something that needs more research. Apparently the white and red cells are filtered out and returned to you and the smaller stuff would leave your body with the plasma. IDK maybe we have some medical people here that know more about this.
I am not a doctor or work in the field.
I've worked in hemotology R&D. Filtering like dialysis is possible, and they do have reliable tech for separating the blood cells from plasma. The part I'm not sure about here is that the spike proteins don't just stay in the plasma; they hit receptor sites in all kinds of cells and infiltrate. Also, the GMO humans create more, constantly, so imo this process would not likely significantly help clear spike proteins. Boosting glutathione levels and anything pro-immune system to help the body clear toxins in general, including spike-infested cells, and supplements that block the receptor sites targeted by these spike proteins might be a better way to go, long term.
The graphene oxide does seem to stay in the bloodstream, however, and that could come out in the plasma with a procedure like this. GO is a blood cell slicer and in the presence of an acidic environment becomes more deadly- imo, the likely cause of athlete suddenly, when they produce lactic acid during their exertions. GO had been detected in all the manufacturers' vials tested so far, and on the ridiculously long testing swabs, as well as in food products and medicines. Symptoms of GO poisoning include loss of taste/smell, and it's used industrially to make self-assembling microchips. That last part requires specific radiation and a conducive environment, but we've already seen that freaky things form from some of the vials that are responsive to light and heat, and 5g zaps a lot of data through us. Anyway, clearing GO from our systems is a really good idea. Glutathione boosters include N-Acetyl Cysteine. Lots of what we need should be in our food, if it were still produced in a naturally nutritious way.