It is not a moronic statement. I served 2 tours for both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. What I said is true. Does that mean its widespread? Probably not. Is it enough to cause major issues. Yes. Women do not belong in direct combat. They belong in support roles. Period.
Pretty sure I agreed with you on that point. The throwing ALL female soldiers into a dishonorable category IS moronic. Your WHY is moronic. We are NOT designed to fight the way men are that is a fact. We have however served honorably and some of us ( most actually) NEVER shunned our duties got knocked up on purpose or were loose in our morals. THAT I have issues with. There is A VERY good reason men and women should not serve the same roles in combat. Supplied by God. Degradation is not needed to make the point.
On a side note as a woman please don’t judge all of us by the few who are louder and determined to use every advantage for their own personal gains. This is a by product of generations being removed from examples of REAL empowered women. They are wellspring of awful for us all. Females are the gate keepers of family and the knitters of societal fabric but only when we can be honored and protected by honorable men. You seem a man of honor and it is a privilege to support and defend our honorable men. When you place all women in that framework you cut my legs out from under me. We have entire generations that have to be deprogrammed. Boys, Men Women and girls. There is a reason they are going after our daughters so hard. The women who serve that are dishonorable should not get to be the center of attention. Raise the standards hold them accountable and then judge them not by other women but as individuals. Otherwise we will just repeat these cycles. Strong men deserve strong women.
It is not a moronic statement. I served 2 tours for both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. What I said is true. Does that mean its widespread? Probably not. Is it enough to cause major issues. Yes. Women do not belong in direct combat. They belong in support roles. Period.
Pretty sure I agreed with you on that point. The throwing ALL female soldiers into a dishonorable category IS moronic. Your WHY is moronic. We are NOT designed to fight the way men are that is a fact. We have however served honorably and some of us ( most actually) NEVER shunned our duties got knocked up on purpose or were loose in our morals. THAT I have issues with. There is A VERY good reason men and women should not serve the same roles in combat. Supplied by God. Degradation is not needed to make the point.
On a side note as a woman please don’t judge all of us by the few who are louder and determined to use every advantage for their own personal gains. This is a by product of generations being removed from examples of REAL empowered women. They are wellspring of awful for us all. Females are the gate keepers of family and the knitters of societal fabric but only when we can be honored and protected by honorable men. You seem a man of honor and it is a privilege to support and defend our honorable men. When you place all women in that framework you cut my legs out from under me. We have entire generations that have to be deprogrammed. Boys, Men Women and girls. There is a reason they are going after our daughters so hard. The women who serve that are dishonorable should not get to be the center of attention. Raise the standards hold them accountable and then judge them not by other women but as individuals. Otherwise we will just repeat these cycles. Strong men deserve strong women.
Well said, and will do.