17 On the eve of President Trump commencing the restoration of American greatness,.. Permanent security state cyber officials are gathering with Hillary Clinton to discuss cyber Regulations… What policy and personnel booby traps will they leave behind for the incoming team ??🤔🤨 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 79 days ago by Oldpatriot 79 days ago by Oldpatriot +17 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"Harmonization" these people...
Hahahahahahahaha. Asking Killary the server queen about cyber security is like asking The Hamburger where the hamburgers are at.
She’ll be talking on the section regarding Bleach-Bit and Hammer situations in cyber security protocols. Haha!
Russia Russia Russia
When will HRC ever go away!
When the money runs dry, and not before!