Well we lose was games because we actually learn more from our losses than if we win then. Basically we always stack the deck against us in war game exercises because it always yields higher results for study
Two ears, one mouth. Listen twice as much. It's not in the Chinese philosophy to dominate - many examples in Confucion literature where such a policy just fails - and more subtle means are required, like mass-persuasion (and that has its own issues) - as USA is finding out. Forcing stuff on people, including missiles, tends to cause regime failure when the pedes revolt - as elites are finding out, once again.
Sure, they have hypersonics. Who doesn't these days? Oh wait, USA doesn't. Maybe do that wee bit of homework, especially the super-duper new air defense part as well.
The advantage of these weapons is that they are extremely accurate, and evade most AD. So minimum collateral damage, and maximum strategic damage. So he's right - the major targets would be finished in the first 15 minutes. Not really an issue if one is a civilian - is the theory. But all this is not necessary if one doesn't posture like a half-arsed lunatic and give the missile-owners a reason to launch. That sounds manipulative, but it isn't. Yes, they have the upper hand, but no, they won't hit you for no reason. It's a bit like owning a gun, and people not breaking and entering, because they know you have a gun. Simple.
The disadvantage is that it ain't nuclear necessarily, but one doesn't know. But again, the same remedy- don't give them a reason to launch their missiles - BTW launching is not a quick decision - the Chinese will deliberate amongst themselves before deciding to send missiles - just as the Russians waited eight years before reacting to the developing genocide on their doorstep.
Sure the Chinese are gearing up to face USA. USA has been blasting anti-Chinese rhetoric for decades. They are not stupid. But show me an example where China has used these missiles on another country? I'll wait. Instead they develop trade-routes and infrastructure.
The Chinese talk about collaboration. #Give-Peace-a-Chance
Don't touch our boats... Japan got nuked twice over touching our boats.
Well we lose was games because we actually learn more from our losses than if we win then. Basically we always stack the deck against us in war game exercises because it always yields higher results for study
This is without the black budget secret tech maybe.
You hope
Maybe another way is needed.
Two ears, one mouth. Listen twice as much. It's not in the Chinese philosophy to dominate - many examples in Confucion literature where such a policy just fails - and more subtle means are required, like mass-persuasion (and that has its own issues) - as USA is finding out. Forcing stuff on people, including missiles, tends to cause regime failure when the pedes revolt - as elites are finding out, once again.
Sure, they have hypersonics. Who doesn't these days? Oh wait, USA doesn't. Maybe do that wee bit of homework, especially the super-duper new air defense part as well.
The advantage of these weapons is that they are extremely accurate, and evade most AD. So minimum collateral damage, and maximum strategic damage. So he's right - the major targets would be finished in the first 15 minutes. Not really an issue if one is a civilian - is the theory. But all this is not necessary if one doesn't posture like a half-arsed lunatic and give the missile-owners a reason to launch. That sounds manipulative, but it isn't. Yes, they have the upper hand, but no, they won't hit you for no reason. It's a bit like owning a gun, and people not breaking and entering, because they know you have a gun. Simple.
The disadvantage is that it ain't nuclear necessarily, but one doesn't know. But again, the same remedy- don't give them a reason to launch their missiles - BTW launching is not a quick decision - the Chinese will deliberate amongst themselves before deciding to send missiles - just as the Russians waited eight years before reacting to the developing genocide on their doorstep.
Sure the Chinese are gearing up to face USA. USA has been blasting anti-Chinese rhetoric for decades. They are not stupid. But show me an example where China has used these missiles on another country? I'll wait. Instead they develop trade-routes and infrastructure.
The Chinese talk about collaboration. #Give-Peace-a-Chance
Form follows function and china's greatest weapons are traitors in our own midst.
Did the Americans factor in the Tofu Dreg coefficient as well?