🚨 Diddy Staffer Testifies: 'Obama Child Rape Tapes Will Tear DC Apart' - A whistleblower who worked behind the scenes at countless of these parties, witnessing and even participating in some of the most degrading secret acts of the entertainment elite.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
TPV Bullcrap Disinfo Clickbait
OP, how can you post this obvious bullsh*te?
Long-time fake news creator Baxter Dmitry
Fact-checked by "ThePeople'sVoice Community"? Really?
Sensationalist Fake Headline appealing directly to awakened biases and hopes
Four paragraphs of fake news assertions with ZERO source (Oh, yeah, "our Whistleblower)
Source? Not required? Do you think that TPV is Q? I think not.
Source? A whistleblower who goes to ..... one of the oldest and mos prolific Clickbait Fakenews operations out there. Yeah, sure.
2011-2014 (YourNewsWire.com, placeholder and practice site for news blog)
2014-2018 Active as Yournewswire.com
2018-2023 Active as NewsPunch
2023 - present Rebranded as The People's Voice
Founders: First 'legally married' Gay Couple in the UK
Fake Sensationalist Headlines Aimed to Exploit Biases with no traceable Sources +
Several Followon Fake Assertions with no traceable sources that expand on the Fake Headlines +
Copy/paste OR Rewrite of actual information that APPEARS to give veracity and validity to the Headline and Fake Claims by association =
TPV formula
TPV, by attaching actual public knowledge information under the headline and fake assertions (in this case, Obamas captured on film, the Federal Authorities have the film, etc), TPV makes it appear as if their fake news is legitimate.
It's a total shellgame and they do it 100% all the time.
Sure, the Obamas might well have been part of the Diddy list, and no one here believes they are not capable of satanic ritual or pedophile rape, etc, etc, BUT what TPV is peddling is fabricated disinformation designed specifically to target us, our audience and those who have awakened to or are awakening to the reality of the pedocontrol elite system.
It's garbage.
Folks, Our Champion won in a massive landslide that clearly established the mandate of the people. We won massively, and are winning even more massively now.
Do we really need this sort of fake crap disinformation rag as a source of information on GAW?
That's like going to a garbage bin with dog poop in order to find materials for the evenings dinner meal.