No the bet mentioned was your previous statement. Have you forgotten already? And you woulda lost. The “actor” isn’t 3 feet taller than Woods. Shall we keep going publicly only prove you’re not to bright? Here’s a helpful hint. Don’t shave your head! Just close your legs. Easy.
It’s so hard for me to tell. To me Biden looks like he’s slightly in front of Trump. Reminds me of that spinning “shadow dancer” icon. It goes right, but suppose to go left the longer you look at it. It never changes for me!
Definitely the actor. That Biden is taller than Trump. Biden is 6’. Trump is 6’3. Look at that picture. LoL. Great stuff.
You clearly don't know how perspective works. I bet you think Gandalf's actor is 3 feet taller than Elijah Wood?
How much you wanna bet?
That you're an idiot? $5 million.
No the bet mentioned was your previous statement. Have you forgotten already? And you woulda lost. The “actor” isn’t 3 feet taller than Woods. Shall we keep going publicly only prove you’re not to bright? Here’s a helpful hint. Don’t shave your head! Just close your legs. Easy.
Except the view angle is clearly chest level and not downward.
It’s so hard for me to tell. To me Biden looks like he’s slightly in front of Trump. Reminds me of that spinning “shadow dancer” icon. It goes right, but suppose to go left the longer you look at it. It never changes for me!