323 ELON MUSK DID THE MEME! (media.greatawakening.win) BASED ELON posted 78 days ago by Qanaut 78 days ago by Qanaut +324 / -1 22 comments download share 22 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How do I post a picture in the comments?
Search for gifs and take careful note of the code, case and syntax.
You don't.
You can link to an outside website, like upload a pic to www.imgur.com and paste the link here, but it won't be embedded
Ah so the orig pic comes from this site. I was a bit confused.
I mean, not really. Orig pic is on Twitter, OP took a screenshot and uploaded it to this site when making a thread.
An OP is allowed to upload a picture when starting a thread.
But we who only reply, don't have that option. We CAN add links to another want, but it's not embedded like ops pic.
See, I am able to add pictures to the thread, but only as a link to an image host like imgur. And they aren't embedded in the thread, you need to click the link manually.
Make sense?
Yes makes sense :)
Check out the link in the Resources section on the right: https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CSSpkb/-the-new-and-improved-gifs-and-q/