Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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Side note: Going through my telegram sources each morning, noting all the nominations DJT is making, just thinking to myself, dayum. It's really habbening!
For example, the whole idea of (what is it) putting congress out of session and getting the nominations through during that time. What an absolute stick in the eye of the Establishment that would be.
Anyone get the feeling that the Boss means business?
Dayum, it's one thing to believe. But to watch this unfolding....
I'm really starting to develop a taste for the hammer of wrath to swing. I've always maintained a more temperate attitude, despite shedding many tears of gratitude and longing for liberation for a long, long time.
But I read about that nutter who own's LA Times going "oh, NOW we're going to be a balanced newspaper....." I'm like, burn it down. Too little, too late. We can forgive, but accountability MUST take place.
I agree. It’s great for them to say we want to be fair, however; but the lies of the past must be dealt with first.
I know Massie hinted this with Maetz nomination, but do you have more details? How exactly will the congress be out of session? Due to Gaetz resignation?
BTW, Gaetz nomination is causing people on all sides to have meltdown (except us Anons). Apparently everyone hates him equally - the Zionists, the RINOs the Dems - everyone. Makes me so happy!
There is quite a bit of chatter going on about this in the usual places.
Apparently by invoking Article 2, Section 3 of the constitution, Potus can adjourn congress and then while they are in recess, appoint his cabinet, apparently bypassing the need for Senate approvals.
DJT himself is posting about this, if what I read is correct...
Which could also be written as II.3... or 11.3...
Not by me!
II.3 yes, 11.3 no. Pass.