Ukraine mobilizing mentally challenged and deaf people 🙄
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And 60+ yo men. I saw the most disturbing video of a Down Syndrome teen that the Ukrainian secret police had grabbed off the street. This is how they recruit. He was decked out in fatigues and the men with him were tormenting him getting him to do dangerous things. While he was laughing, I would imagine it was because they were laughing at him. Cruel beyond imagination. For those untrained, the life expectancy of those sent to the front was 4 hours. The Russians for months have been dropping leaflets to Ukrainian soldiers. It has the frequency or call signal to call them. They have to proceed with their hands in the air then the Russians just appear and they get them to lay down while they are searched. Many are very thin having no food for a long time. Most are injured. They are taken and given immediate medical attention then are fed and detained inside Russia. Many have to do this discreetly as to get spotted, their leaders will shoot them in the back. Many said they had been wandering around, with no ammunition or communications with the leaders. They are left for dead. Why? Their corrupt leaders say they were killed and these leaders then pocket their pay. As Lindsey Graham says. To the last Ukrainian.