Schedule "F" could DEEP 6 the Deep State ...or at least put a BIG DENT IN IT 💪👍💪
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Add manpower budget cuts and we are in business.
Deep 6? I prefer the term "Float Test"
What's schedule F?
Isnt schedule F is an add on page for a farm to your 1040?
Schedule "F" is a LEGAL DOCUMENT allowing for govt. employees TO BE CONSIDERED "AT WILL" and, thus, ALLOWS TRUMP / POTUS to "FIRE" 'EM.
HOWEVER, Biden's ADMINS JUST "revised the regs" (ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY TRUMP #45 as an Executive Order) they potentially ARE PROTECTED.
UNDERSTANDABLY, Trump #47 CAN DO ANOTHER Executive Order to OVERTURN THE DEM CRAP saying "they can't be fired".
Thanks - I appreciate the follow up, fren!