64 Maybe after, theyll finally hold his funeral 🤣 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 100 days ago by Aurion 100 days ago by Aurion +64 / -0 9 comments download share 9 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I was hoping Mike would knock him out.
i honestly thought Tyson was going to end Paul in round one.
i was very worried about Tyson's age though and was hoping it was going to be two hits; Tyson hits Paul, Paul hits the ground.
I think that's what most expected. I'm disappointed mainly because Paul trash talked then just circled him.
He had a 5 inch reach FFS, but he would NOT stay in MIkes range no matter what. If he got inside Mikes reach he would charge in for the hug.
I think it's more impressive that at 58 Mike didn't get KO'd himself, given the match up. Take the money and run Mike. You earned it.
All around boring fight to watch. The ladies threw more punches in 1 round I think that in the whole main event.