🙏Is this a Christian movement 🙏
Is this a Christian movement. Yes I know there R many that are and even some that don't yet say they are..and we invite them in all the same. So I'm curious how you all see things.
"The greatest trick Satan ever pulled was making the world think he doesn't exist". When you look back at the Great Awakening in it's entirety, how can you not think this doesn't have a religious aspect? Not necessarily Christian per se (no disrespect to Christ intended whatsoever), I've heard stories of large amounts of the Muslim faith turning to Christianity. I believe what is happening spans the entire realm of "good vs. evil" around the planet; no amount of money can buy it's way out of this reckoning. I've had many events across the entirety of my life line up in the past three years to all of this, indicating THE big guy (God) is involved. No other possibilities from my standpoint.
As an atheist, posts like this annoy the shit out of me. They’re either promoting Christianity or bashing atheists. People are BLIND to the Satanists.
Look to the Q drops related to Satan and Satanists.
to be fair, atheists suck
Normally (you know, like more than 4 years ago "normally"), I let folks believe what they want to believe. Still do for the most part. But when you find out these @$$holes fed the general population fluoride just to calcify the pineal gland (supposedly allows "inner contact" with God), generates nanotechnology to control peoples thoughts (look up Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard), and come up with "Voice of God" devices like patent 3951134, you realize they're removing "freedom of choice" to do so. Pretty sure that's where God gets involved, whether you believe in Him or not.
Look up Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab's advisor when you get a chance. He happily stated that freedom of thought was over. Well, guess not.
Something to consider: if you remove God & the 10 commandments from the public school system, but still make people pay for public school even though they pull their kids out and pay for parochial schooling, aren't you essentially forcing aetheism on them?
I am sold on “Voice of God” devices and even did a post on one that was used on a studio audience.
The other two I don’t know for sure. Some areas of the world like Africa don’t put fluoride in the water and don’t get calcified pineal glands and I haven’t seen any evidence that they’re more in touch with a god as a result. The pineal gland produces melatonin and I’m more concerned about that.
I know Harari said that. He’s a deluded asshole.
Though I am an atheist, I’m in favor of school choice which would include the ability for parents to put their kids in parochial schools and use tax vouches to pay for it. (the educational tax dollars follow the children) I want parents to have as many choices as feasible. Though my daughter is grown, I’m still concerned about where my educational tax dollars (the lion’s share of my local tax dollars here in Texas) go and the education of children. I’m a former educator as well. (college level)
As an atheist, I think that putting the 10 Commandments into schools is a misguided attempt to do the right thing. The kids need to learn ethics and civics in grade school. Philosophy would be great, but their minds are not likely ready for that until college. Teach them WHY they should respect their parents. Teach them WHY they should not steal. Teach them WHY they shouldn’t commit adultery. The FEAR of God is NOT appropriate. Stop teaching people to be FEARFUL. Kids are smarter than you think and you have to do a lot more than just provide slogans on a wall. A big thing kids need to be taught is leadership; not just respect, teamwork, etc. Instill in them a backbone to stand up against bad groups and tyrants.
I have no desire whatsoever to force atheism on anyone. Being an atheist is hard when you no longer have an “imaginary friend” to console you.
I am curious are you an atheist, someone who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
Or are you an agnostic, you have the the view that "human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist.
The first one.
Hope you don’t feel like my comments were on the bashing side. They are certainly not intended to be.
The thread name is "Is this a Christian Movement". It matters more that everyone's allowed to voice their opinion (like America is supposed to be!) than right or wrong on individual views on religion. We're all fighting together to get that fundamental free speech right back. For myself, I was meeting with a bunch of local people that were very interested in getting their country back. But along the way, I noticed many (if not all of them) were Christians - but there's many in my area, so that could just be statistics. After a while things started to definitely have the feel of being way more than just "getting the country back", as I started running across Bible verses that seemed to be providing me some guidance. Still, this struggle is looking to be "good vs. evil" more than anything else, and that spans a much larger following FWIW.