WATCH: Mollie Hemingway Smacks Down RINO Trey Gowdy with a Brilliant Response After He Smears Trump's Attorney General Pick Matt...
Once highly respected, former South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy has proven to be an abject disappointment, particularly when it comes to spewing asinine rhetoric as a Fox News contributor against President Trump and his allies.
Heard it in real time with my husband. He has been torn on the Gaetz nom because he's worried the ethics charges might be true. I showed him the Hemingway article someone reposted from 2022 about Gaetz, and between that and this exchange between her and Gowdy I think he now sees that the Gaetz pick was the way to go.
BTW, nice dig by Mollie at Trey about getting someone to "do something" about corruption after all the years he made noise in Congress with nothing to show for it.