43 "We Got Our Asses Kicked" Mark Ruffalo admits speaking at ACLU So. Cal. The sound of defeat is sooooo SWEET! 2+min. (rumble.com) posted 78 days ago by Ffairchild 78 days ago by Ffairchild +43 / -0 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Think about what an injury to the ass feels like next time you're raping a kid you POS.
Bring back "Vlad the Impaler" just for them.
Why doesn’t he stick to acting?
I won't watch any movie he's in.
So he admits to being on the team that wishes to destroy the USA...
These Hollywood types really must have believed the fix was in.
They make so much money for doing very little and have such adoring fans when they go out in public, that they lose any sense of reality and take on a God-complex.
They assume whatever they think is superior, and of course! you will agree with them.
Who the fuck is this clown?
Shitty actor with shitty ideas
The actor Mark Ruffalo. He's been in a bunch of things. He played the Hulk in the Avengers movies and many other roles.
Here look: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0749263/
Oh, no wonder I've never heard of him.