So many of you have seen all the clips from people like Hegseth, Elise Stefanik, etc speaking openly lovingly about Israel and how they are the chosen ones. At first, it didnt make sense why Trump would appoint so many pro-Israel (some could even be called Zionists) nominations, until I was forcing myself to listen to this video below (warning, its painful to watch) when it suddenly clicked.
Interview with Col Larry Wilkerson
This dude was assistant to Powell Collins, and eventually 'woke up' to find out how fake Iraq war was, and that Israel lobby is dangerous, etc.
But of everything he said in this video, most of which is just regurgitated rhetoric, there was something that he said that stood out to me (in the first 10 mins of the video):
Trump always loves to hire people out of the blue, and a bit later, fire the very same people. We saw it in the first term as well, but even before in his business career.
None of these nominations, even if by some miracle were to be approved by the Senate, would last more than a year. He would fire every one of them when he gets tired of them
He was focusing mainly on Def Sec nominee Peter Hegseth and thats when it occured to me. The man is probably right on this aspect, to some extent.
All these rabidly pro-Israel people are probably not going to last for more than a year. Then why are they here?
They are a controlled demolition team
Think Rex Tillerson, or Scarramucci. They were highly unpopular, didnt last long but before they left, they cleaned up a whole chunk of their departments.
Why do we need pro-Israeli demolition team? We have to think about what Trump said when he took out Soleimani. He said two cryptic things:
Lot of people in Arab countries, including the Mullahs, were terrified of him.
Netanyahu backed out of the strike operation to take him out.
It is easy to deduce from this (and subsequently the Pager operation, Oct 7th etc) that a LOT of terrorists in the middle east are actually Zionist assets. Imagine telling the Zionists that we are taking out their assets. That was just the appetizer.
Before we can take Zionists out, we have to take all their assets out. Which means we have to clean out their Islamist terrorist assets first.
The demolition team that Trump has put together is going to demolish these Islamist assets created and controlled by Zionists and the best part they are going to use the Israelis and Pro-Israelis to do this demolition
Step 1: Take out all the Zionist assets in middle east
Step 2: Expose the Zionists in the process
Saving Israel for the Last
Trump took 20-30 mil from Adelsons in his first term and people portrayed him as a Zionist for this. Here is the quick rundown of Adelsons:
Run a casino empire
Want a single state solution and would love to eliminate palestine / west bank etc
Wanted US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem for thus purpose
Stand in apposition to the dreaded AIPAC with their two-state solution
There was only one thing Trump delivered to them in the first term:
- Moved US embassy to Jerusalem
Funnily, by doing this, Trump proved that all the fear mongering about Jerusalem was bogus and it was simply a fake obstacle put in there by Zionists to keep the middle east conflict going forever.
So, Trump has very specific goals that he can align with certain groups, even if their final goals are against what we need, and he can capitalize on the enemy to deliver that common goal strategically.
This time around he took 100 mil from the Adelsons, and in return here is the common goal he will achieve: Cleanup all the terrorists from Palestine, and rest of middle east, and expose Iran's nuclear program.
I think Iran's nuclear program is a huge point of contention, with anti-Israeli groups claiming Iran has no nuclear program and Trump is making it up.
Trump had recently made a statement, just a few weeks ago:
"Biden was asked whether we should strike Iran's nuclear facility and he said No, and that was the wrong answer"
Part of this "partial alignment" with Pro-Israel / Zionist folks would be to expose Iran's nuclear program, started under Obama, frozen under Trump 1 and unfrozen under Biden.
I also believe this is how we will reach the "Sum of All Fears" - a nuke making its way to US mainland, imminently threatening an all out nuclear attack - which would, I would theorize, have provably arrived from Iran and Obama and Biden would be held responsible for this, at the moment of the precipice.
If this is the case, we dont have to worry about the nominations. The Zionists will help ram them through and Trump will fire some of them by next year, when we reach the final phase - exposing and eliminating the Zionists.
Exactly my thoughts, which I would add a few more points to yours. Not only would Trump be blamed for the economic catastrophe, but the lefties would say "I told you so" over the arrests. It can't look like Trump is taking retribution with these arrests, they need to come from an authority outside the political arena, IMO.
Looking at what is currently going on, the GOP is gathering together to obstruct the nomination of Gaetz, the Dem Governors are putting together a coalition to obstruct mass deportations, etc. I'd say that there is really no way Trump would be able to actually follow through with what he wants to do in any timely manner. It would take years when we (our country) don't have years.
So I'm in agreement with the opinion that if we assume we are correct about what has to happen, then it has to happen BEFORE Trump takes office. One thing that likely drives this is that the actual election has to be over. The count has to become official before they can accuse anyone of cheating. So that MAY be one factor in the timing. I'm really hoping that this happens because I don't think I can go through years of slow reform which I know would ultimately fail with the next election.
Great additional points. So something is going to happen that makes it appear Trump will not be able to take office in the next two months, at which point all hell breaks loose, (idk what… lock him up, refuse to certify, something). Then everyone can see that things were calming down and looked like were going to be ok, until these fuckers subverted the will of the people and caused all the problems. Then the military steps in?
I know there is still another year to go, but I have to assume that year is a year of disclosure and trials, not more bullshit leading to it.
Could be. I'm trying to imagine what the predicate would have to be for the military to step in and how they would guarantee that the military response isn't co-opted by the dozens of corrupt Generals they now have in their ranks?
Of course the Generals could be neutralized quite easily by arresting them as they report to work in the AM, it would have to be coordinated of course. But this could look like a coup, which obviously wouldn't be a good look.
On the other side of the equation we currently have no one acting as commander in chief, Biden is thought of as inept and mentally deficient by both sides of the aisle, which could be used as a predicate by the military to intervene in a crisis. Kamala hasn't done her duty to expose his issues so that would be a further excuse by the military to intervene. There are a lot of moving parts in this scenario and some are difficult to overcome with our limited knowledge. Either way, I think we are rapidly approaching the end game.
The timeline is 8 years. Max is Oct 2025