Rogan has it wrong. Obama spent millions in legal fees fighting the release of his birth certificate. Hillary's team was leading that effort. Remember, obama's history was also hidden. After years of this subterfuge, tump threatened to send his investigators to Hawaii to get to the bottom of it all. THIS is when obama released the long form birth certificate (which is famously false).
Trump made that happen. Why else would Obama give up the legal fight to produce the thing he spent years and millions hiding? I remember it well also because it was the first step in my seeing Trump as an important character.
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Somebody (that they'll actually see) send this to Joe Rogan and Elon Musk -
Trump will have the last laugh on the birther issue. Obama’s presidency will be annulled.
Rogan has it wrong. Obama spent millions in legal fees fighting the release of his birth certificate. Hillary's team was leading that effort. Remember, obama's history was also hidden. After years of this subterfuge, tump threatened to send his investigators to Hawaii to get to the bottom of it all. THIS is when obama released the long form birth certificate (which is famously false).
Trump made that happen. Why else would Obama give up the legal fight to produce the thing he spent years and millions hiding? I remember it well also because it was the first step in my seeing Trump as an important character.
Rogan is still at heart a libtard.
Yep I remember seeing this interview a month ago and it pissed me off when he started this BC denial BS