All your bases are belong to us. We, the good guys, have every right to initial prior claim on everything the enemy has infiltrated.
Everyone knows the rainbow is ours and has been for millennia.
We invented the word "trans-sexual" (C.S. Lewis, 1943), long before the enemy coopted it. We invented erotic literature (Genesis 1-3, Song of Solomon) before it got corrupted.
Our God, the only real God, the Father and Creator who has come in Jesus Christ, also makes himself the original "demiurge", and the original "demon", and the original "lucifer", and even the original "satan" (the adversary against evil). Many more such examples can be listed.
Not that our enemies are in league with God, no; it's that God has so strongly previously conspired with his covenant people (revealing everything to his prophets) that we control and manipulate and join with him in how evil is deployed by the enemy, and yet we have learned how to will that limited evil be done for purely good reasons. "You willed evil, but God willed it [the existence of evil will] for good."
Upshot: Every evil in the world is something we can, while excoriating it, accept as God's perfect plan for perfectly good ends, and we can partner with him in finding out and working through those perfect ends, not only preventing much greater evils but also decreeing the end of whatever form of evil we can terminate fully. Daily neutralization of ever more evils until all enemy ammo is spent.
Recognizing that the God of the Christian Bible is using the opportunities for evil so that he accomplishes great good, without either participating in that evil or leaving it unpunished, is the fulfillment of the fruit of bittersweet intimacy and the greatest conspiracy.
All your bases are belong to us. We, the good guys, have every right to initial prior claim on everything the enemy has infiltrated.
Everyone knows the rainbow is ours and has been for millennia.
We invented the word "trans-sexual" (C.S. Lewis, 1943), long before the enemy coopted it. We invented erotic literature (Genesis 1-3, Song of Solomon) before it got corrupted.
Our God, the only real God, the Father and Creator who has come in Jesus Christ, also makes himself the original "demiurge", and the original "demon", and the original "lucifer", and even the original "satan" (the adversary against evil). Many more such examples can be listed.
Not that our enemies are in league with God, no; it's that God has so strongly previously conspired with his covenant people (revealing everything to his prophets) that we control and manipulate and join with him in how evil is deployed by the enemy, and yet we have learned how to will that limited evil be done for purely good reasons. "You willed evil, but God willed it [the existence of evil will] for good."
Upshot: Every evil in the world is something we can, while excoriating it, accept as God's perfect plan for perfectly good ends, and we can partner with him in finding out and working through those perfect ends, not only preventing much greater evils but also decreeing the end of whatever form of evil we can terminate fully. Daily neutralization of ever more evils until all enemy ammo is spent.
Recognizing that the God of the Christian Bible is using the opportunities for evil so that he accomplishes great good, without either participating in that evil or leaving it unpunished, is the fulfillment of the fruit of bittersweet intimacy and the greatest conspiracy.