Interesting. So is THIS how they'll enact martial law and the EBS?
All I know is, people still don't get it. So many are still asleep and most believe this is business as usual and Trump will just move back into the White House for 4 years until the next election.
That couldn't be further from what I think is coming.
Next year, this time, our country will look & feel much different.
It's a confusing but exciting time to be alive. But one thing for sure:
The best is yet to come.
We can be sure that:
Patriots are in control.
We've been watching a movie.
That's not the real Joe Biden.
Actor playing "Joe Biden" has been a white hat puppet.
The best way to wrap up many deepstaters and reconcile the hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments is to do it at the same time and under the guise of using the military to deport millions of illegals.
I think the immigrant situation has been greatly exaggerated in order to do what I think is coming. The photos we've seen of women, children and men pushing strollers have been 100% staged. So who knows really how many illegals are here? This has been an issue for decades. Not just since "Biden" so...... They flood into this country ALL THE TIME.
But after reading what "Elon" said and then Trumps reply, I can't see how the stage might be getting ready to be set up.
I can't nor won't believe Trump is just going to waltz back into DC and start working out of the White House again. I just don't see that happening. So something big has to prevent that from happening and this might be it.
Outside of the blue commie cities, I see morale is up among us citizens. We live in a commie state but many many counties are red and the sense of the uncertain is gone. We just need to get to January without the deepstate blwoing it all up.
I don’t understand how people can still be sound asleep. I have a neighbor who feels that the illegals deserve to be here, and anyone who says otherwise is racist. 😳
Interesting. So is THIS how they'll enact martial law and the EBS?
All I know is, people still don't get it. So many are still asleep and most believe this is business as usual and Trump will just move back into the White House for 4 years until the next election.
That couldn't be further from what I think is coming. Next year, this time, our country will look & feel much different.
It's a confusing but exciting time to be alive. But one thing for sure: The best is yet to come.
We can be sure that:
Patriots are in control.
We've been watching a movie.
That's not the real Joe Biden.
Actor playing "Joe Biden" has been a white hat puppet.
The best way to wrap up many deepstaters and reconcile the hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments is to do it at the same time and under the guise of using the military to deport millions of illegals.
Define cover.
Killing two birds with one stone.
Possible, but I think it will be something much more serious than just a simple roundup of illegals.
I think the immigrant situation has been greatly exaggerated in order to do what I think is coming. The photos we've seen of women, children and men pushing strollers have been 100% staged. So who knows really how many illegals are here? This has been an issue for decades. Not just since "Biden" so...... They flood into this country ALL THE TIME.
But after reading what "Elon" said and then Trumps reply, I can't see how the stage might be getting ready to be set up.
I can't nor won't believe Trump is just going to waltz back into DC and start working out of the White House again. I just don't see that happening. So something big has to prevent that from happening and this might be it.
Agreed, we are still in the "calm before the storm". We ain't seen nothing yet!
i kind of always thought it was a white hat psy worked. something like 80% of the population want mass deportation
I have it under good authority that my local school system has twice the number of ESL students as it did in June of 2023.
I wonder why percentage the homeless are illegal? California might get cleaned up in a month.
Outside of the blue commie cities, I see morale is up among us citizens. We live in a commie state but many many counties are red and the sense of the uncertain is gone. We just need to get to January without the deepstate blwoing it all up.
I don’t understand how people can still be sound asleep. I have a neighbor who feels that the illegals deserve to be here, and anyone who says otherwise is racist. 😳
I agree with you! People don’t get it. They don’t believe that we have been governed by satanic pedophiles.