NOTABLE! 4chan anons are currently analyzi this painting from 1721 by renowned Renaissance Dutch master Deitz Nuützen that accurately predicts the Trump-Elon-RFK McDonald's dinner photo... notice the crown is on Don Jr.'s head? Was Nuützen trying to tell us something...???
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Totally nuts what you are saying:
Doets is a derivision of Deutsch. Ever hear of Pennsylvania Dutch? It's German alright, Hessish as in from Hessen. But there you go, the fucked up thing what is known to be bastardized Latin: aka: English.
<enen iets diets maken -1484
This means: To explain something.
Diets -> Duits
Diets -> Duiden
Diets is the language people spoke before they were confronted with the bullshit that is Nederlands (Haarlems) as General Civilized Dutch (ABN: Algemeen beschaafd Nederlandsm as if our Frysian Language is not civilized)
Hence, talking was required. Today it would be called: mansplaining.
Er, just did a search on Yandex. Don't speak Deutch or Dutch. Apologize for abject ignorance. I will just stick with my bastardized Latin. Really didn't mean to upset you.
Apology accepted, although I am not upset. I am just wondering how it is to state with conviction without researching while being proved to be wrong.
To help you along: try: etymologiebank.nl: entry: Diets, and see for yourself. (deepl.com wil help you with translation)
Why thanks. There's a bastardized Latin vulgarity I need to look up.