Something about this election and rapid advancement of winning isn't sitting right with me this morning.
I'm sure after the years of absurdity we have been dealt, it's probably normal to have a high level of skepticism, but first, the lack of resistance from the left is deeply concerning.
Biden chums with Trump at the White House.
Kamala giving a speech the next morning about her followers needing to accept Trumps win.
Bernie Sanders saying he is looking forward to Trump's presidency.
Red flags.
The private jet picture with RFK eating McDonald's, which if you follow anything RKF has been saying for the last decade- raises an eyebrow.
The way he put together this team of everyone who is supposedly on our side - it just seems too quick, and too perfect. We know how government works, and nothing like this has happened before.
It's always "oh I had these great ideas and promises, but unfortunately the rest of the government wouldn't let me actually do them." for four years. Rinse and repeat.
Why didn't Trump put this team together last go around? If you're in that position, you have to be consciously aware of what it going on at a granular level, and I refuse to believe that a nobody like me knew more about the deep state bullshit than Trump did when he was president.
And now the emergency order to assist with mass deportations. That sounds great on paper for most of us. But where is the line drawn? Are you ok with having active military going door to door looking for Guatemalans? Including your own door? I understand it's likely the only way to get them out- but seems like a recipe for disaster. All it would take is one of our own getting pissed off and swiss cheesing a door knocker, then we're all going to get punished.
I know you guys are pattern recognition specialists, and mostly skeptical- am I overreacting?
Trump had to sit on the sideline for four years and prod the populace into seeing how the deep state had infiltrated every aspect of American society. He had to open the eyes of normies. Yes, I agree, he could have put in the "dream team" eight years ago yet there was the awakening that needed to happen first lest the majority of Americans wouldn't have known why he was going scorched earth on the government. It was part of the plan. Plus he didn't have a cooperative Senate or House and his initiatives would have been stalled, thus the plan might have been stopped before it had a chance to get off the ground. Do NOT dispair. This will work out and the results will be a better America. If we can get the education system straightened out so future citizens can understand how this country should work, we will be way better off in for decades to come.
I agree with this 12 year execution for his plan. I believe he is working on the never-Trump normies and hard-cores who were Harris voters by getting their info suppliers to gradually change their narrative over to a pro-US story. A rising tide lifts all boats. Wish people would remember that.
Once he cuts off the MSM supply of lies from their liberal base, then a lot of what you espouse will happen. Beginning in late January the MSM will be forced to be fair and balanced in every aspect of their reporting or they will be run out of business by the FCC. Our country needs the media, but it cannot be solely on one side, it must show both sides equally. If the left does not like hearing "talking points" from the right, tough toenails. It must happen for a free society to survive because opposing views can sometimes help folks understand if their views are solid or not.
Are you referring to a repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act? Had not heard of any movement there.
I don't believe it was wholly repealed. I believe it was amended. Just need to revert it back.
No, this is just my opinion. When I was a kid 50odd years ago I was taught that the news media had to tell both sides. As I grew older I noticed they would put any news of the left in a good light and news of the right always had some sort of sneer, gufaw, smirk or just plain dislike. It should not be that way. All sides should be listened to and those views which hold truest and nearest to the Constitution should see a increased debate, even if it comes from the left.