I didn't think they would be stupid enough to do it - Ukraine fires US missile into Russia
🧠 These people are STUPID!
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Ukraine just launched the missiles into Russia.
That's an attack.
And now you're playing politics toeing the company line of Russia attacking Ukraine and poor little Ukraine is just defending itself.
So either you're clearly partisan and just think Russia BAD, or you have a clear misunderstanding of what has lead up to this in the first place.
Or you're trolling, but I don't think you're being that underhanded.
I'm going to go ahead and use Mr Massie, who just today agreed with me.
It's an attack. Because Russia launched an all out war and invasion into Ukraine.
I suggest you read up on this if you aren't being purposely obtuse.
I just happen to have read a great write up on this entire fiasco minutes ago.. if you go to Substack, search "The 100 days". His most recent article on this is at the very top, entitled "The 1001 Days".