I believe the institution now known as the Catholic church, the Vatican, Holy See, Papacy, whatever you want to call it, is the institution and position Daniel and John prophesied. The Pope was the continuation of the Roman ceasar, only "unlike the others", in that not only was it a political tyrant, but a religious one as well. The pagan Roman empire didn't care what the people believed so long as they paid tribute to ceasar. However the "Holy Roman empire" sought to control the conscience of the people, as well as the flesh. In line with the time when King Nebuchadnezzar tried to force the nation of Babylon to worship him, the Papacy sought this but in a round-about way. If someone disagreed with "The Church", they were treated the same as those who disagreed with Nebuchadnezzar, at least before he was humbled by God. Freedom of conscience being taken away is the tell-tale sign of Mystery Babylon.
She fornicated with all the kings of the earth and got them drunk. = her diplomatic pressuring and meddling ; her wrong doctrines and distortions of the true Gospel and of Christ causing all manner of confusion about who Christ is, what He did, and what it means for us.
I believe the state of Israel, all secret societies and orders, and secular globalist orgs, "Christian" sects and Islam, are but tentacles of the Papal beast system, who seeks to control the world "in place of Christ".
The Templars first mission was to take Jerusalem for the Pope. The Pope has wanted that spot so bad. I think they invented Islam to do it but that backfired bigly.
That would be the STATE OF ISRAEL in the (near) future event. 🇮🇱 🔥
The state of Israel has only existed since 1948.
However, there's another candidate, which has lasted long enough to check off the needed timetables from Daniel and Revelation... 🇻🇦🔥
“The state of Israel has only existed since 1948.”
The point being?
If this ‘another candidate’ of yours is NOT of the following:
…then I would like to hear your perspective. Believe me (* Trump hands gesture *) when I say ISRAEL ticks ALL the boxes as Babylon the Great, fren. ✌️
Posts are fleeting on GAW board, so I don’t want to write more than I have to. Sorry.
I believe the institution now known as the Catholic church, the Vatican, Holy See, Papacy, whatever you want to call it, is the institution and position Daniel and John prophesied. The Pope was the continuation of the Roman ceasar, only "unlike the others", in that not only was it a political tyrant, but a religious one as well. The pagan Roman empire didn't care what the people believed so long as they paid tribute to ceasar. However the "Holy Roman empire" sought to control the conscience of the people, as well as the flesh. In line with the time when King Nebuchadnezzar tried to force the nation of Babylon to worship him, the Papacy sought this but in a round-about way. If someone disagreed with "The Church", they were treated the same as those who disagreed with Nebuchadnezzar, at least before he was humbled by God. Freedom of conscience being taken away is the tell-tale sign of Mystery Babylon.
She fornicated with all the kings of the earth and got them drunk. = her diplomatic pressuring and meddling ; her wrong doctrines and distortions of the true Gospel and of Christ causing all manner of confusion about who Christ is, what He did, and what it means for us.
I believe the state of Israel, all secret societies and orders, and secular globalist orgs, "Christian" sects and Islam, are but tentacles of the Papal beast system, who seeks to control the world "in place of Christ".
The Templars first mission was to take Jerusalem for the Pope. The Pope has wanted that spot so bad. I think they invented Islam to do it but that backfired bigly.