Black eyes are when they put a brain parasite into the person and the black eye is a result. The results are real (medically documented in people). Not sure about the club myself but it isn’t out of the realm considering the reality of pizzagate. It is a deep disgusting rabbit hole.
Not trying to convince you but I have thought about a little: Once these people are part of the club progressing their way up the decrepit ladder, they probably become envious of those that have had the black eye ( rothschilds, rocky-fellers and other masons, et-al) see their wealth and power and beg for one - like a medal of honor, but more - it is God level for them. But who knows?
So do you believe in the red scarf club?? Because the red scarf deaths have been medically proven.. and somehow they are all people who were about to rat on someone.. and suddenly they die by the red scarf...I am not doubting what you say, I have never researched it.. but I will tonight.. thanks for your input, but please tell me your input on the red scarf deaths....
Pretty sure the red scarf club is real - yes. Killed or sacrificed to set an example to others.
When I said not sure about the club in my earlier reply, I meant ‘black- eye’ club not red scarf) sorry - that might not have conveyed.
I can’t say either are real 100%, of course but certainly lean that way after looking into things a bit. I would have laughed it all off 10 years ago though.
Ive come across this subject in depth in my research.
So, some species of draconids have the ability to launch a parasitic entity out of their head. This is fatal to their original body, because this small worm looking thing basically contains the soul and some level of brain function from the original being.
This then is inserted into the eye of a human or other species, where it will nest and attach to the optic nerve at first. This physical trauma causes the black eye.
Once the parasite has latched into the host, it will slowly integrate to the neural networks of the human, until it can mimic the personality, body, and access the memories.
At this point the parasite severs the connection to the hosts soul, and takes over. This can take 3-8 months.
After the full take over, it takes another year or so for the infected being to be able to fully control the host, so if you check the "Black eye club" people in history you can find more often than not, they take a break from acting or whatever.
Heard about it 5-6 years ago - probably 4chan or Voat ( kinda like a Great Awakening - classic version) and additional research.
Thx for additional leads (Hillman).
There us also a video called ‘it gets worse’ I think…
The psychological side of things is hard to get over for the average Joe. I’m thinking limitless wealth / power / influence are introduced and methods to achieve are disclosed through the ‘elite’ hierarchy - probably more complex than that even.
I don't believe a black-eye club, but I do believe there is a red-scarf club...
Black eyes are when they put a brain parasite into the person and the black eye is a result. The results are real (medically documented in people). Not sure about the club myself but it isn’t out of the realm considering the reality of pizzagate. It is a deep disgusting rabbit hole.
Not trying to convince you but I have thought about a little: Once these people are part of the club progressing their way up the decrepit ladder, they probably become envious of those that have had the black eye ( rothschilds, rocky-fellers and other masons, et-al) see their wealth and power and beg for one - like a medal of honor, but more - it is God level for them. But who knows?
I think Leno might be clean though.
So do you believe in the red scarf club?? Because the red scarf deaths have been medically proven.. and somehow they are all people who were about to rat on someone.. and suddenly they die by the red scarf...I am not doubting what you say, I have never researched it.. but I will tonight.. thanks for your input, but please tell me your input on the red scarf deaths....
Pretty sure the red scarf club is real - yes. Killed or sacrificed to set an example to others.
When I said not sure about the club in my earlier reply, I meant ‘black- eye’ club not red scarf) sorry - that might not have conveyed.
I can’t say either are real 100%, of course but certainly lean that way after looking into things a bit. I would have laughed it all off 10 years ago though.
Ive come across this subject in depth in my research.
So, some species of draconids have the ability to launch a parasitic entity out of their head. This is fatal to their original body, because this small worm looking thing basically contains the soul and some level of brain function from the original being.
This then is inserted into the eye of a human or other species, where it will nest and attach to the optic nerve at first. This physical trauma causes the black eye.
Once the parasite has latched into the host, it will slowly integrate to the neural networks of the human, until it can mimic the personality, body, and access the memories.
At this point the parasite severs the connection to the hosts soul, and takes over. This can take 3-8 months.
After the full take over, it takes another year or so for the infected being to be able to fully control the host, so if you check the "Black eye club" people in history you can find more often than not, they take a break from acting or whatever.
Its called Vril Droning.
You're the first person besides me that I have seen with this theory. Im wondering where you heard this? Im impressed.
There are many methods they use. You are correct that it's an eye parasite. Its the same snail the Phoenicians used for the purple dye.
Check out Ammon Hillman's channel Lady Babylon. He has a good take on this, he's kinda of "out there" but I find him entertaining.
Beware he's a democrat, but I find his translations accurate but I don't agree with all his conclusions.
It's called the Vril society - reptilian race and eye injections. Been around a while.
I have heard very similar through Donald Marshall. Yeah he may be full of shit. My mind stays open. You tube or rumble his name and story if you like.
Thanks, I will.
That's how it's done . The truth is the truth no matter who spews it
Heard about it 5-6 years ago - probably 4chan or Voat ( kinda like a Great Awakening - classic version) and additional research.
Thx for additional leads (Hillman).
There us also a video called ‘it gets worse’ I think…
The psychological side of things is hard to get over for the average Joe. I’m thinking limitless wealth / power / influence are introduced and methods to achieve are disclosed through the ‘elite’ hierarchy - probably more complex than that even.
Tealc and his symbiote enter the chat...