Ive come across this subject in depth in my research.
So, some species of draconids have the ability to launch a parasitic entity out of their head. This is fatal to their original body, because this small worm looking thing basically contains the soul and some level of brain function from the original being.
This then is inserted into the eye of a human or other species, where it will nest and attach to the optic nerve at first. This physical trauma causes the black eye.
Once the parasite has latched into the host, it will slowly integrate to the neural networks of the human, until it can mimic the personality, body, and access the memories.
At this point the parasite severs the connection to the hosts soul, and takes over. This can take 3-8 months.
After the full take over, it takes another year or so for the infected being to be able to fully control the host, so if you check the "Black eye club" people in history you can find more often than not, they take a break from acting or whatever.
Ive come across this subject in depth in my research.
So, some species of draconids have the ability to launch a parasitic entity out of their head. This is fatal to their original body, because this small worm looking thing basically contains the soul and some level of brain function from the original being.
This then is inserted into the eye of a human or other species, where it will nest and attach to the optic nerve at first. This physical trauma causes the black eye.
Once the parasite has latched into the host, it will slowly integrate to the neural networks of the human, until it can mimic the personality, body, and access the memories.
At this point the parasite severs the connection to the hosts soul, and takes over. This can take 3-8 months.
After the full take over, it takes another year or so for the infected being to be able to fully control the host, so if you check the "Black eye club" people in history you can find more often than not, they take a break from acting or whatever.
Its called Vril Droning.