Why? Why does The Brunson SCOTUS Case get downvoted here? The case is HISTORIC. (First case brought by an individual that made it to the Supreme Court)
Trump is all about the Rule of Law. Loy has used the legal system and made it to the Supreme Court. Now he's asking Americans to send letters to SCOTUS in support of this case. Isn't that exactly what is meant by
All the heavy lifting was done by Loy. Are we really going to pass up this opportunity to get our voices heard? Think of it as a "Class Action" lawsuit.
I'll post this again.
Public perception influences SCOTUS and Loy's campaign for letters could be the key to hearing this case. What if SCOTUS received a million letters? The evidence is so clear; 388 defendant's violated their Oath of Office by certifying the 2020 election.
I think it's a big mistake not taking this seriously.
This alongside two known facts: The Brunsons are self representing while actively taking donations and they are most commonly featured on known shady PAYtriot outlets when they do social media outreach.
Two reasons alone to suspect a grift.
No, not good when you're taking in hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not more, who knows their books are not public) and keep asking for more after being dismissed by SC three times now.
The infamous PAYtriot circle/spider web that consists of Scott McKay, Nino, Parkes, Ward, Santa Surfing, Juan the Con O Savin, George News, et al. I mean, shouldn't you know which outlets they choose to solicit on if you follow them so closely? Naturally, they have been covered by more reputable outlets, especially when the case was first brought to public attention. But, for aforementioned espoused speculation the Brunsons have deviated from reputable alternative media outlets and their case has been simmering in the stinky and stagnant part of the pond for a long while now.
Now all of this isn't to say what they are arguing is wrong, or not in alignment with MAGA or the awakening. Of course it is. But it's a dead bun and has been for a long time.
Since this has become a Q & A.... what does all of this noticing have in common with anons? Why is it that a small minority of anons fervently follow things that are purely based in hopium or outright stolen buns and bakes from the various boards over the years? E.g. I would wager that your average Brunson follower also follows (insert any of those shady paytriots listed above), probably followed Ingersoll Larpwood, probably keeps track of the cryptic US Debtclook site, and has fever-dreams of JFK Jr being somehow alive or a WH player or whatever.
There's a massive overlap between alot of the paytriot hopium dead bun stuff... anons notice the patterns. When it keeps popping up like weeds in the garden, it's bound to get downvoated.
Thank you, Anon, for a detailed opinion. Can you answer a couple follow up questions?
We have the power to make change en masse, yet signing and mailing letters is hopium? You don't have to donate. What better way to send the message they must follow their oath?
The merits of the case are solid and I don't understand why we're not focused on that instead of all the noise.
Second point on RvW. This is both true and untrue. Regardless of public popular opinion, it has been argued since it's original ruling that RvW should've always been a state legislative issue and not federal. Even that wretch Ginsberg said this.
No, not all PAYtriots are behind pay walls. Most use engagement, product sales, optional subscription fees, and event sales for revenue. They are parasitic vampires leeching off of the Q drops and great awakening/truth/research movement pheomena to bilk an easy and lucrative living... and that's at best. Among their ranks are COINTELPRO operators no doubt. It's been exposed before.
Durham has been in the news recently. Huber either played his role, was misdirection or never fully intended for anon audience, or is a sleeping giant. Who can say yet, future proves past and what not. But, Q highlighted both Durham & Huber specifically. Never the Brunsons.
No offense but you must not be tuning in fren? There's a plethora of habbenings going on, especially after election day. In my eyes, the Brunsons are the noise you speak of.