Disagree, they should be making deals all over the place right now. Promise them everything under the sun to get them to flip on each other and give up the goods, then simply revoke it all and go scorched earth after the inauguration.
The realm of Satan is already here. His minions currently lie and steal with impunity. They rig elections, they spy, they inflate our currencies and tax us into poverty, they sexualise and traffic our children, they corrupt and demoralise our culture, they peddle every single one of the 7 deadly sins as virtues, they flood our lands with murderous barbarians, and they do it all with the full authority of the “law” that they have spent roughly a century twisting and manipulating to suit their ends.
Standing on Muh principles is a recipe for losing with dignity. Playing honestly against someone who openly cheats will just keep ending the same way.
Trump tried it already in his first term, offering the other side an olive branch, giving them an amazing economy and doing all sorts of bipartisan this and that. He got nothing but lies, impeachments, a stolen election and criminal persecution out of it.
To go down that same road again would be stupid. I’ll say again, his people need to lie and cheat every bit as much as the Dems have done. The cancer needs to be excised by any means necessary, or else 4 years and another rigged election from now they will just resume their NWO satanic agenda like they did last time.
Disagree, they should be making deals all over the place right now. Promise them everything under the sun to get them to flip on each other and give up the goods, then simply revoke it all and go scorched earth after the inauguration.
Lie as the left have done for decades.
Nope, we dont need lies. That is the realm of Satan.
The realm of Satan is already here. His minions currently lie and steal with impunity. They rig elections, they spy, they inflate our currencies and tax us into poverty, they sexualise and traffic our children, they corrupt and demoralise our culture, they peddle every single one of the 7 deadly sins as virtues, they flood our lands with murderous barbarians, and they do it all with the full authority of the “law” that they have spent roughly a century twisting and manipulating to suit their ends.
Standing on Muh principles is a recipe for losing with dignity. Playing honestly against someone who openly cheats will just keep ending the same way.
Trump tried it already in his first term, offering the other side an olive branch, giving them an amazing economy and doing all sorts of bipartisan this and that. He got nothing but lies, impeachments, a stolen election and criminal persecution out of it.
To go down that same road again would be stupid. I’ll say again, his people need to lie and cheat every bit as much as the Dems have done. The cancer needs to be excised by any means necessary, or else 4 years and another rigged election from now they will just resume their NWO satanic agenda like they did last time.