Things I hope we finally get answers for..
How old is the earth for realsies? Is it flat or a sphere? Are we alone in the universe? Is there a universe? Do we live in a simulation? Were we created or produced by random chance? Evolution? Nah, fuck that one. Is our history to be trusted? Are they chemtrails or just uber-long contrails? How long have humans really been around? Giants? Dinosaurs? Election fraud? Covid? Covid vaccine? What was in the envelopes?
We already know who killed JFK, who was behind 9/11, Michelle is a man, etc... However, it sure would be cool if the new administration could provide some clarity for everything else that we've never been offered answers for.
Interesting, i've heard of MJ12 posts before but never looked into them, Thanks for sharing, i will now.
Yw. Btw, fwiw, anon Paul Furber (@pauf) on Gab, a pretty knowledgeable guy tho I often don't agree with, him recently admitted that he thought that Q wasn't genuine soon after Q started posting so you aren't alone. He will engage on Gab if you're interested in finding out why.
For the record, mods and anons, I myself am on board with Q. I'm not black pilling. Q would want inquiring minds on his team. That is how we've gotten as far as we have. It's obvious that Q is leading us to a very bright future.
Regarding the MJ12 posts, there are other similarities between Rofschild posts and MJ12. The two biggest that I observed are the tone of the writing (MJ12 isn't snarky, tho) and the opinion of women. It is a very masculine tone. I'm not making judgement, just saying. The hostility in the Rofschild posts is obvious. There is a little hostility in some of the MJ12 writing but not nearly as much. In my opinion, this hostility is a flaw and unnecessary. It reveals some very human nature.
It's strange, but after one of the first times I had ever even heard about Majestic, that same day, I went to the local thrift shop to look for books to read. In the rows and stacks in the chaotic book room, there was a book with a bright red cover called "Majestic" by Whitley Strieber. It seems that the book found me. I read it. It's strange to say the least. It's a book about alien encounters. This author seems to have the same opinion about women, too. Make of it what you will.
One last thing: Rofschild mentioned Catherine Fitts in a positive way. She goes by Catherine Austin Fitts. She is a cool-headed thinker, a brilliant financial mind. She looks at the big picture of finance integrated with world events. She is worth listening to.
I had a chance to speak with her SHE is an amazing Human ! Catherine Austin Fitts. FTW !
Interesting, ye, i listened to a few of Catherine Austin Fitts interviews, good stuff.
Do you know if MJ12 has done any "Q proofs" to verify they are legit insiders, or said things later proven to be true.
Yes, and some of the Rofs posts are racist too, but Q has no choice but to pretend to be an asshole to convince the rest of the cabal it really is just a Roth talking and Patriots don't have access to that knowledge.
I don't know of any MJ 12 Q proofs in this document, just a lot of additional Q-style information.
I think that Q has been very, very gentle on our psyches compared to what it could tell us if it wanted to.
Agreed, I trust their judgement for deciding which things no one needs or wants to know.