For those who dont know the full story of Matt Gaetz in his "sex trafficking" allegations, please catch up here
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A shady charactor (Joel Greenburg in this case) compromises a target (Matt Gaetz) by enticing them into criminal activity (sex with 17 year old by using a fake ID in this case).
FBI investigates the shady charactor for a "completely different" crime and happen to stumble into the proof of the above criminal activity.
FBI stores away the information somewhere, and then "leaks" it when some one needs a powerful person to do some bidding (In this case to pay $25 million for a hostage deal) and in the process create more incriminating evidence.
Of course none of it went as planned for the Cabal here.
Gaetz stopped sleeping with her when he found out she was 17.
Gaetz dad didn't go through with the hostage ransom payment because he smelt something fishy.
BUT, here is how WHs used this situation to their own advantage and create an unstoppable chess piece.
First, listen to Gaetz grilling the FBI cyber division head and slip in at the end that he has a copy of Hunter Biden laptop.
So the first clue is "How did Gaetz get hold of the Hunter Biden laptop" ?
Answer is simple. Because the Cabal assumed that he is compromised and under their control, and hence he will do what he is told. Infact, Cabal thinks he is such an useful asset that they use him when they have to deal with confidential and dangerous information - like the Hunter Laptop.
Matt Gaetz became a powerful chess piece for the WHs - what we normally think of as Schrodinger White Hat - someone who might be BH or WH and we never know.
Think Elon Musk. We can never be sure on whose side they are. People here have endless arguments about "trusting Elon" and "not trusting Elon". They miss the bigger point. That neither can the Cabal know which side these people are for sure. Because they are all assets that apparently have themselves compromised, but, just like Matt Gaetz, WHs have somehow managed to put a "hook" in the blackmail, so that they are actually not blackmailed at all.
A lot like what happened with Trump and Billy Bush clip. They thought they owned Trump because of that clip, but Trump - in a completely different way - proved to be immune to the blackmail.
What we have are WH agents, who infiltrate the Cabal and are immune from Blackmail
These assets can be used multiple times, depending on how they are played.
Thats exactly what Trump did by nominating Matt Gaetz. He used Matt to expose which RINOs are absolutely the ones that needing dealing with (but also to make sure the rest are actually okay and not compromised. Remember, his nomination failed by just one vote - Mitch and 3 "demo rinos")
And then, Matt withdrew - essentially sending the message that he is scared and so still under blackmail control - making him a wild card to be used yet again.
In the meantime, he can keep collecting more sensitive information from the various factions of the Cabal, because they mistakenly believe that he is "safe".
…Are we all gonna have to play games like this to win this war?
Games beat WW3 by a long shot. The only thing with these games is the loser goes to prison or worse!
It needs to be "or worse" in most cases.
We absolutely can NOT have the next corrupt politico who infests the Oval Office pardon this scum with the wave of their pen.
We also need the loud and clear message sent that the ROI on treason and sabotage is more than they can afford.
If they suffer the penalties of treason before the next corrupt politico they can still be pardoned but they won't be able to serve ;)
Since when have these corrupt oxygen thieves ever cared one whit about the law?
Their goal is to destroy the law so they can rule by fiat.
My recommended solution is permanent, yours is not.
Sorry if that comes across as terse (or worse), but I'm angry about what these traitors have done to our nation. I want a reckoning, and as far as I'm concerned the only way that reckoning will happen is when these vile scum stand before The Lord for perfect judgement. And if they happen to accept Christ before that meeting takes place, so much the better.