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Ancient Seed Growing in Israeli Desert Believed to be Biblical 'Balm of Gilead'
1,000-year-old seed that germinated years ago, could be the biblical Balm of Gilead, known for its healing qualities -- a tree that seemingly disappeared years ago.
When they planted the ancient seed fourteen years ago, they had no idea what it would become. Now, they believe it could be a unique kind of tree found in scripture.
They better graft and sell that tree.
I'm sure they have that growing in lab somewhere in Israel.
Gilead Sciences is inventing "the Cure" in some greenhouse.
Gilead is the pharmaceutical company that makes all the HIV anti-retroviral drugs. It's a "balm" alright, but for a population that wouldn't typically be considered "biblical."
Oh yes, to pass a fake to the gullible. Shekels, Shekels everywhere.