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Ancient Seed Growing in Israeli Desert Believed to be Biblical 'Balm of Gilead'
1,000-year-old seed that germinated years ago, could be the biblical Balm of Gilead, known for its healing qualities -- a tree that seemingly disappeared years ago.
When they planted the ancient seed fourteen years ago, they had no idea what it would become. Now, they believe it could be a unique kind of tree found in scripture.
It's definitely PR spin. The story is that it's a date palm that was thought to be extinct. They found some seeds and got them to germinate in a lab. They've been using those to respawn the tree and have had some success. It's a Jewish botany professor, IIRC, doing the work and she made headlines last year with it.
The whole "balm of Gilead" is just opportunistic spin from morons looking for signs of the Revelation and willing to apply basically anything to the metaphor whether it really fits or not because they want to believe. I don't like to crap on anyone's religion. Religion drives people to do good things for others and is generally a good thing, but the zealotry leads to stuff like this.
It's a date palm. It grows dates. They were famous back in antiquity. It's a monoculture based on the DNA of one plant, so it's fragile as hell and can easily be wiped out at this point because there's no genetic diversity, so it's a glorified lab experiment.
Jesus wasn’t a fan of religion either. That’s why it killed him. Crap on it all you want.
No its very clearly not a date palm, genus Phoenix. Its a Commiphora species. Says so in the video and appears to be plausibly so. Commie-4uh is also possibly a marxist and subversive botanical.