What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
I can share if interested or this you don’t know. Even though self research is better for the mind. 😉
I have no idea what Jesus was doing for 20 silent year? But you seem to. I do believe the scriptures are silent in that regard.
Ge'ez scriptures? Scriptures? Sorry not familiar with them. Is that where you are finding references to Jesus studying eastern religions? BTW Christianity is an eastern religion.
As far as Ethiopia becoming a Christian country (on their own) have you ever heard of the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch/Minister of Finance? Acts Chapter 8 - witnessed to by Philip. What do you think the Ethiopian Minister of Finance did upon his return to Ethiopian?
Same question to you Anon.
What was Jesus doing for 20 silent years? Go on, disprove he wasn’t traveling the Middle East and Asia. And why is Ethiopia thee only Christian Country that became Christian/Jewish on their own before and without the Apostles or Rome visiting?
How did they know of Christ almost as soon as he was gone?
Why are the Ge’ez scriptures and Bible older than most known scripture outside the Vatican and Dead Sea Scrolls?
I can share if interested or this you don’t know. Even though self research is better for the mind. 😉
I have no idea what Jesus was doing for 20 silent year? But you seem to. I do believe the scriptures are silent in that regard.
Ge'ez scriptures? Scriptures? Sorry not familiar with them. Is that where you are finding references to Jesus studying eastern religions? BTW Christianity is an eastern religion.
As far as Ethiopia becoming a Christian country (on their own) have you ever heard of the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch/Minister of Finance? Acts Chapter 8 - witnessed to by Philip. What do you think the Ethiopian Minister of Finance did upon his return to Ethiopian?