Here Are the Seven Men Shot in the Head by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021 Without Warning - VIDEO and PHOTOS | The Gateway Pu...
A new video was released recently depicting the seven men and Trump supporters who were shot in the head without warning by Capitol Police on January 6, 2021.
they should all be held accountable there is no excuse for this action....
Amen , and those who covered it up should also be charged for aiding and abetting.
No justification for headshots.
How often do they use live rounds for a protest?
"Rubber" bullets, not lead bullets. They are less-than-lethal but can kill you. We used to skip them off the ground so they lost some energy before they hit protestors at our gates.
Rubber bullets is what I was thinking of . . .
They used rubber bullets, since they are aimed they should have been aimed in the legs where a aspirin and a ice pack would be all that was needed. They have used what were called bean bag rounds as non lethal force. While being non lethal they can be if they are aimed at the head. This is why they are never authorized for headshots.
Not to mention if they hit an eye.....
FEDS ARREST PHILIP ANDERSON – After He Was Nearly Killed on Jan. 6 by Police Violence – Passed Out Next to J6 Victim Rosanne Boyland Who Was Killed That Day by Jim Hoft Aug. 30, 2023 6:30 am
Exactly. MPD covering up their homicides. They will be charged for those deaths they created by their act of violence against peaceful protestors. Head shots with batons or projectiles is never authorized. Those who covered up those crimes will be charged also.
There was no reason to engage. This was intentional since it was unprovoked. Dirty little man needs an HR visit followed by an attorney.
Thankfully the world is now being shown the truth.