Hahahaha!!!!! That's all they would be good for. What else is left for them, working as a fry cook at McDonalds? They must do a job that will continually make them realize the errors of their ways. Picking green beans in the hot summer sun will do that to someone who has never had to do harsh manual labor. All they ever did was graduate from a leftist college and get a cushy government job and then proceed to make rules for hard workers to be governed by, which make no sense.
Hahahaha!!!!! That's all they would be good for. What else is left for them, working as a fry cook at McDonalds? They must do a job that will continually make them realize the errors of their ways. Picking green beans in the hot summer sun will do that to someone who has never had to do harsh manual labor. All they ever did was graduate from a leftist college and get a cushy government job and then proceed to make rules for hard workers to be governed by, which make no sense.