I’m aware they did. It just wasn’t an Industrial Revolution as is usually defined. Involving Engines and the like.
They had a very refined and efficient system of slavery. And Surprisingly Strong Domestic Economy. Given they seemed to have Civil Wars with astounding regularity. Not to mention architectural knowledge. That allowed them to enjoy many of the benefits typically associated with the later Industrial Revolution. Without needing to actually develop the machinery and other equipment we typically associate with it.
The Roman Legions as an example were one of the first fighting forces to issue a Standard Kit to Legionnaires. Which was almost unheard of in Europe again until the late Medieval era/Early Renaissance. Not to mention they actually had some of the earliest known examples of Combat Boots being standard issue. Well not ‘Combat Boots’ in the same sense as their modern counterpart. But it served the same purpose. They even had the ability to mass produce Socks. And other clothing to a uniform standard, at least for the era, to be able to issue as part of standard kit.
As an interesting aside we have surviving letters of Legionnaires from the Frontiers. That provided you upgraded references and grammar. Would likely read very much like Modern Soldiers letters.
Asking for Socks and Clothes from home. Thanking loved ones for care packages. Complaining about ‘Military grade’ equipment. Etc.
I’m aware they did. It just wasn’t an Industrial Revolution as is usually defined. Involving Engines and the like.
They had a very refined and efficient system of slavery. And Surprisingly Strong Domestic Economy. Given they seemed to have Civil Wars with astounding regularity. Not to mention architectural knowledge. That allowed them to enjoy many of the benefits typically associated with the later Industrial Revolution. Without needing to actually develop the machinery and other equipment we typically associate with it.
The Roman Legions as an example were one of the first fighting forces to issue a Standard Kit to Legionnaires. Which was almost unheard of in Europe again until the late Medieval era/Early Renaissance. Not to mention they actually had some of the earliest known examples of Combat Boots being standard issue. Well not ‘Combat Boots’ in the same sense as their modern counterpart. But it served the same purpose. They even had the ability to mass produce Socks. And other clothing to a uniform standard, at least for the era, to be able to issue as part of standard kit.
As an interesting aside we have surviving letters of Legionnaires from the Frontiers. That provided you upgraded references and grammar. Would likely read very much like Modern Soldiers letters.
Asking for Socks and Clothes from home. Thanking loved ones for care packages. Complaining about ‘Military grade’ equipment. Etc.