But wasn’t the video we all saw proven in court to have been edited to make it look like they pulled ballots from under the table and run them through the tabulator several times? I thought that’s why he was found guilty of slander because the accusations against them couldn’t be proven? Or am I totally off base?
But wasn’t the video we all saw proven in court to have been edited to make it look like they pulled ballots from under the table and run them through the tabulator several times? I thought that’s why he was found guilty of slander because the accusations against them couldn’t be proven? Or am I totally off base?
I really think they cheated.
Trump rally 2020: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Trump_MAGA_rally_in_Greenville_%281%29.jpg/640px-Trump_MAGA_rally_in_Greenville_%281%29.jpg
Biden rally 2020: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/06/17/us/politics/17onpolitics-pm/merlin_173635797_c9205677-aa2d-4df9-b28f-6a642fc1d848-superJumbo.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp
I look at the rallies, not the polls.